Floquet Theory
Notes on Classical Floquet Theory
- Solid-State Physics by Neil Ashcroft and N. David Mermin
- Michael Ward, "Basic Floquet Theory"
- Peter Hänggi, "Driven Quantum Systems"
- Giuseppe Santoro, "Introduction to Floquet"
- Daniel Sjöberg et al., Multiscale Model. Simul. 4, 149 (2005), "A Floquet-Bloch Decomposition of Maxwell's Equations Applied to Homogenization"
- Chaos – Classical and Quantum by Predrag Cvitanović et al.
- Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications by Carmen Chicone
- Ivana Kovacic, Richard Rand, and Si Sah, Appl. Mech. Rev. 70, 020902 (2018), "Mathieu's Equation and Its Generalizations: Overview of Stability Charts and Their Features"
- Floquet Engineering in Periodically Driven Closed Quantum Systems by Marin Bukov
- Non-Equilibrium Aspects of Topological Floquet Quantum Systems by Lorenzo Privitera
- Periodically Driven Quantum Many-Body Systems by Maximilian Genske
- M. Rodriguez-Vega, M. Lentz, and B. Seradjeh, New J. Phys. 20, 093022 (2018), "Floquet Perturbation Theory: Formalism and Application to Low-Frequency Limit"
- Sebastian Restrepo et al., New J. Phys. 20, 053063 (2018), "From Quantum Heat Engines to Laser Cooling: Floquet Theory Beyond the Born–Markov Approximation"